Romeo & Julio & Friends: The official scoop from the author himself (Part 2)

What I want people to take away from and learn with this story is that love is beautiful and is something we all need. Whether that is a relationship, friendship, family, animals, possessions such as books.

I took inspiration from the original and there is a pinch of the original storyline in my version. It’s an original piece of work that relates to issues of today while also pays respect to the original.

While writing the story I wanted to put family in the story but with a different narrative to Shakespeare’s.

What they go through in detail I haven’t seen in any other LGBTQ book I have read myself.

This story needed to be released to the reading audience because it had to be made clear it’s okay to be gay in the breadth of Romeo & Juliet.

This story appeals to gay men, LGBTQ allies, friends and family of gay people, lovers of the William Shakespeare original and romance novel fans. For people who wonders what it is like to walk in a gay man’s shoes then this book Romeo & Julio & Friends is for your eyes to read.

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